
We Invite You to Join the Global Network of Trust

Whither Go We

We are all living in extraordinary times! The irreversible energy that has been born upon the planet via advanced communications will, perhaps, produce nearly as profound a change as that created when Homo Sapiens came into being with the capacity not only to “know”—but with that most extraordinary ability—to “know that it knows.”

A few years ago, the world was shocked when Time magazine bestowed its coveted “Man of the Year” title on “The Computer.” History has certainly proven the wisdom, if not the incongruity, of this choice. Time will, indeed, prove that the interconnectivity of the Internet and the Worldwide Web can produce an even more profound quantum leap. What kind of leap will we end up making, and who will decide? (it could be me and you).

What remains to be seen, however, what is not clear, is just what the nature of the change wrought in the lives of the human and animal inhabitants of the planet will be. Technically, we know much about what will happen—ever more powerful computers for ever less money will bring the vast majority of the planetary decision makers into direct and nearly instantaneous communication with a vast cross-section of humanity. We will have unprecedented access to the collected data, information, knowledge and wisdom of the human race—even down to the most treasured texts and jealously guarded secrets.

If ever there was a two-edged sword, this is one. It represents a power that can devastate culture and even civilization by placing untold power in the hands of a selfish, greedy, foolish, faceless minority, while sapping the last of the human spirit from the unhappy, feckless body of humanity as a whole.

On the other hand, if we wake up and realize the potential power for good, for healing, that is available, we can create a world of extraordinary beauty and human quality. It is, perhaps, too late to recreate a physical Garden of Eden—there are just too many mouths to feed. Yet what we can create is a far more desirable alternative for us, and for our children and great-grandchildren.

I can visualize a world that is far more functional, pleasurable, rewarding and joyful than the one we now inhabit. Let us not forget that more than six million men die on battlefields each year, while two million 12-year-old girls are sold into sexual slavery (including nearly a thousand in the US each day). 25% of the world goes to bed hungry every night, and those with the money and power fiddle away their time discussing stock options, Cuban cigars and German sports cars. I relate these statistics (which hardly scratch the surface) not to depress, but because denial never resolved a problem. Indeed, with such a powerful tool now in our hands, it can spur us on to reclaiming our world.

The Metaweb—A Network of Trust and Wisdom

The key to whether we will seize this opportunity, or continue in our intoxicated stupor, I believe, is whether we have the wisdom to put our energy into forming a network of trust—a worldwide “meta”-Web. Each node would be a Web site that delivers wisdom, and that people can trust. Within and between these nodes, a kind of “overbrain” or “overspirit” could circulate and refine knowledge on a scale never before known, and extract the most profound wisdom. And as each of these nodes is connected, through e-mail, to millions of individual Web users, the outcome could be as profound as the invention of the wheel or writing.

All great things begin with a dream, with a vision, and I know of no other more exciting, motivating, even compelling vision. It is my intention to continue to hold this vision as my service, and to refine and expand my Web site, preparing it to be one of the possible nodes in this “meta”Web. And I invite you to do the same.

I know that if I’m open enough, and if I receive the grace, with each refinement the wheat will become more separated from the chaff, the wisdom will be kept and the other surrendered. As “Blaze” was told by her mother, “Never trust anyone who says, ‘Trust me.’” So we won’t ask this. We (or I) ask only that you consider the potential of this kind of vision, and be open to the possibility that there may be something of value for you as you explore this site. And that any wisdom you draw from it you endeavor to keep alive, present, and operative as a continuous guide in your life.

Join the Network

What you can do now

Subscribe to the L.I.G.H.T. Blog and E-zine

One way of doing this is to become a registered user of this blog site and sign up for our periodic newsletter. You will receive an occasional, polite, unobtrusive e-mail inviting you to re-connect with that spark of wisdom and perhaps log on for an update on the development of this site and of the metaWeb as a whole. Sign up here.

Charter Membership in L.I.G.H.T.

Another way you may participate is to become a Charter Member of L.I.G.H.T. There are several membership levels available for you to choose from. The initial Membership Benefits include a monthly newsletter, periodic webinars and teleseminars, downloadable audio programs, discounts on hundreds of featured resources, free bonuses every month and other benefits as identified by the Charter Members who will help further define and develop the Membership Program.

To become a Charter Member, please Click Here.

Donations and Grants

L.I.G.H.T. is a non-profit membership organization. Until it receives its own 501 (c)(3) status, L.I.G.H.T. will provide tax deduction benefits to donors through the Institute for World Transformation. For more information, please call Aeron Miller at 503-478-1807 or send an email to

Thank you for your consideration of our invitation to join us as a co-creator of the L.I.G.H.T. Vision and Mission.

Dr. Emmett Miller

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