About L.I.G.H.T.

The Personal and Planetary Application of Wise Guidance

An Introduction to L.I.G.H.T. by Founder Dr. Emmett Miller

The vision of LIGHT has grown naturally out of my work, and the knowledge and wisdom gained from 30 years of forging new approaches to Medicine, Psychology, and Personal Enhancement. In the 70s, my project was Holistic Medicine and the Mind-Body approach, in the 80s, the large-scale healing potential of Self-Esteem, and in the 90s process of systemic Deep Healing. My plan now is to apply the principles and techniques of self-healing, using wisdom as a guide, and in a spiritually harmonious way to effect transformation in the larger human sphere.

Although many have tried before, and failed, never before did we have the one crucial key needed to make this expansion possible. This key is potential of the World Wide Web. The Internet provides us, for the first time in history, with open and free communication that can facilitate the distribution of wisdom, creative solutions, and high quality information to all. My experience, and that of my students and colleagues, is that the same principles that produce individual healing can produce similar transformation in a family, a community, or even the planet. At all levels of system, when the wise, guiding spirit of humans is love, openness, gratitude, and honesty, healing is the result.

The Vision and Mission of LIGHT

Our vision and mission address a wide scope of issues from the personal to the planetary. As Gandhi suggested, personal healing and large scale healing are fundamentally inseparable, (”Think globally, act locally”).

We recognize that our individual suffering is a mirror of our global imbalance, and the approaches we use provide for individual growth and healing. At the global level, we intend to participate in the growing movement to honestly address the sources (rather than the symptoms) of the maladies and dysfunctions that threaten our communities, cultures, and the ecology of the planet itself.

The Mission of Light

To assemble a “Global Think Tank” of the most enlightened and inspired thinkers and leaders, to evolve the highest and most appropriate spiritually inspired wisdom, and and to make it available worldwide, at little to no cost to our (target market, users, consumers, audience, etc.) to be acted upon by individuals, families, organizations, and governments.

To wisely and skillfully re-direct our most advanced technologies towards global healing, reversing the direction taken most often by industry and other forces, political and private – a direction so often associated with with violent, abusive, human-harming (life and environment endangering, and often unintentional, results

To identify and develop, evolve, “package,” and distribute, the fundamental concepts that are capable of catalyzing global transformation. To this end, the most advanced technologies, the highest quality music, voice, and visual recording tools and techniques will be employed by highly talented and skillful artists and technicians.

To continue to evolve an open Network of Trust, making extensive use of communication technologies such as the Internet and its social networking potential (Web 2.0) to gather information, ideas, wisdom, creativity, energy, and support.

Vision of LIGHT

There is a powerful, but often overlooked fact of life – that when enough people really care enough to want something to happen, it happens! Many people have begun to realize that the world is rapidly approaching a tipping point, and that, while the possiblitiy of “Armageddon” is certainly one possible outcome, an equally dramatic, but positive future is now possible. If enough of us really want that future we can have it, by looking into it, and seeing:

Specieswide Self-respect and Self-Esteem: Compassion and authentic respect for the uniqueness, preciousness, spiritual essence, and intrinsic value of each human being. The true meaning of healthy self-esteem has been realized and is so valued that esteeming support has become the norm.

Transformed Healthcare: All human beings have access to Holistic healing tools, (mind, body, emotion, and spirit) and practitioners with a human approach to health care includingthe miracles of modern scientific and technical advances. The collective resources of the world’s wisdom and knowledge are available to every human through purposeful use of modern communication technologies.

Humanity-Centered Wedding of Technology and Art: Technology and Art have been brought together to create powerful models, inspired guidance, and rich imagery for Deep Healing, at all levels of system, in dramatically effective ways.

Unity in Diversity: We have created widespread awareness of the intrinsic beauty of all living beings; social models of control and dominance in human interaction have been replaced by those of respect, love and community. On a widespread basis there has been a turning away from things – and toward people – resulting in a well-developed appreciation of our differences, as well as our similarities. We have realized that what we share is so much more that what divides us.

Love: Love is a positive attractive force that brings people and things together. We have achieved understanding of the experience of Love as an intentional state. We have discovered a love that goes beyond neediness, dependence, dominance and abuse to the qualities of sharing, mutual respect, and deep affection. We appreciate our common essence. Communication is compassionate and caring, sensitive to others’ feelings and needs, supportive and nurturing of the positive and good in others.

Nonviolence: Disagreements are transcended and resolved without armed conflict. More subtle forms of violence, like child abuse, child labor, economic imperialism, the abuse of humans by organizations, and crime are disappearing. Unconditional positive regard and respect have become the norm in all human interactions, including individual, family, workplace, community, and government.

Community Values: Values of families, education, nutrition, housing, recreation, wise land use, freedom of information, respect for earth systems, spirituality, and sustainability are widely supported with appropriate and effective action.

An Invitation to Participate As A Co-Creator

If you resonate with the Vision and Mission of L.I.G.H.T., we invite you to become a Charter Member. Please visit the Membership page for the details and Thank you!

One Response

  1. Great work Emmett. You have established here a foundational building block for a new creative field in which humanity can be integrated and find a truly resonant place within the larger planetary context. Healing for ourselves cannot be separated from the Earth and vice versa. Thank you.

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